The First Alpha Reseller and Master Reseller Plugin for DirectAdmin !
The First Alpha/Master Reseller Plugin for DirectAdmin
DAreseller is the DirectAdmin version of WHMReseller. It adds 2 new levels of Reselling to DirectAdmin servers, Alpha Resellers, and Master Resellers. Alpha Resellers have reseller rights to create Master Resellers, Resellers, and User accounts, while Master Resellers have reseller rights to create Resellers and User accounts.
Put another way DAreseller is a plugin for DirectAdmin that allows hosting resellers to create and manage reseller accounts within their own DirectAdmin control panel. Essentially, it allows resellers to become hosting providers themselves, creating and managing their own clients' resellers and standard user accounts. This is particularly useful for web developers and designers who want to offer hosting services to their clients. They may have a client who wants a reseller control panel themselves, which DAreseller makes possible. Generally speaking, DAreseller allows Alpha and Master resellers to better maintain control over their hosting environment and provide a more seamless experience for their clients. A detailed list of features is below:
New features & improvements being added with every release
Trial DAreseller for Free for 7 days
To install DAreseller simply ssh into your DirectAdmin server as the root user and execute the following commands:
Server with DirectAdmin running on it
DAreseller can be installed on any DirectAdmin server by the root user.