WHMreseller V5

Powering Alpha & Master Resellers !

WHMreseller Plugin V5

The Original Master Reseller Plugin

New DirectAdmin Version Now Available DAreseller

  • WHMreseller V5
    The New & Improved Alpha/Master Reseller Plugin for WHM
  • Adds 2 New Reseller Levels
    Add Alpha and Master reseller levels so your clients can resell WHM to their clients !

    MASTER Resellers
    WHM Resellers
    CPanel Accounts

    WHM Resellers
    CPanel Accounts


    CPanel Accounts

  • Clean Management Interface
  • Integrates Smoothly into WHM
    WHM Plugin
    Package Extensions
    Create your own Alpha & Master Reseller Packages in WHM
    Simply Upgrade or Downgrade to instantly create Alpha or Master Resellers
  • WHMreseller V5
    Additional Features:
    Alpha/Master Backup & Restore Feature
    Automatic Software Updates
    No WHMCS module required
    DIY License IP updates

What is WHMreseller?

The first & original multi-reseller plugin

WHMreseller is a multi-level Reseller Plugin that gives Resellers reseller rights to sell WHM to their clients. It adds 2 new levels of Reselling to WHM/cPanel servers, these are Alpha Resellers & Master Resellers. Alpha Resellers have reseller rights to create Master Resellers, WHM Resellers, and cPanel accounts, while Master Resellers have reseller rights to create WHM Resellers & CPanel accounts.

WHMreseller is an excellent tool for Web Developers and Designers who need to manage multiple reseller accounts. With this plugin, they can easily create and manage their reseller accounts, and customize their reseller packages to fit their clients' needs. This not only empowers Web Designers and Developers but also helps them provide a more streamlined and efficient service to their clients, with the appearance of being a Web Hosting provider themselves.

So WHMreseller should be the first tool considered by Web Hosting Providers looking to support Web Designers and Developers or any "Online Entrepreneur" wanting to start their own Web Hosting business. It offers more to the reseller, is affordable to the Web Hosting Provider, and helps resellers grow their business with minimal cost. A detailed list of features is below:

WHMreseller Reseller Rights and Features

New features & improvements being added with every release


  • Clean easy to use Interface
  • Does NOT use PHP/MySQL
  • NO WHMCS module needed
  • Free automated updates
  • Fast simple Installation
  • Integrates with WHM Pkg Extns
  • Integrates with WHM Hooks
  • Maintains its own Backups
  • Regular patches/updates
  • Uses lastest Bootstrap 4
  • Reasonably priced
  • Highly flexible billing


  • Create Alpha/Master Resellers
  • Edit Alpha/Master Resellers
  • Upgrade WHM to Master
  • Upgrade Master to Alpha
  • Downgrade Alpha to Master
  • Downgrade Master to WHM
  • Suspend Alpha/Master
  • Terminate Alpha/Master
  • Monitor Alpha/Master Usage
  • Change Master Ownership
  • Change WHM Ownership
  • Create/Edit Alpha Packages
  • Create/Edit Master Packages
  • Create/Edit WHM Packages
  • Import Alpha's/Masters
  • Set Backup/Restore Access
  • Set Default ACL

Alpha Resell Rights

  • Create Master/WHM Resellers
  • Edit Master/WHM Resellers
  • Upgrade WHM to Master
  • Downgrade Master to WHM
  • Downgrade WHM to CPanel
  • Suspend Master/WHM
  • Terminate Master/WHM
  • Monitor Master/WHM Usage
  • Change WHM Ownership
  • Change CPanel Ownership
  • Create/Edit Master Packages
  • Create/Edit WHM Packages
  • Backup/Restore Accounts

Master Resell Rights

  • Create WHM Resellers
  • Edit WHM Resellers
  • Upgrade CPanel to WHM
  • Downgrade WHM to CPanel
  • Suspend WHM
  • Terminate WHM
  • Monitor WHM Usage
  • Change CPanel Ownership
  • Create/Edit WHM Packages
  • Backup/Restore Accounts


WHMreseller Screenshots

Showing the Root, Alpha & Master Interfaces

Root Dash

Root Alphas

Root Masters

Root WHMs

Root Tools

Root Create Alpha

Root Create Master

Alpha Dash

Alpha Masters

Alpha WHMs

Alpha Tools

Alpha Create Master

Alpha Create WHM

Master Dash

Master WHMs

Master Tools

Master Backup

Master Restore

Installation Instructions

Trial WHMreseller for Free for 7 days

To install WHMreseller simply ssh into your WHM/CPanel server as the root user and execute the following commands:

  • cd /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi
  • wget https://deasoft.com/whmreseller/install.cpp
  • g++ install.cpp -o install
  • chmod 700 install
  • ./install
  • rm install
  • rm install.cpp

System Requirements

AlmaLinux OS
Rocky Linux™
WHM/CPanel 100+

WHMreseller can be installed on any CPanel/WHM server by the root user.


How do Alpha and Master resellers setup WHMCS?

If you are an Alpha or Master reseller and are trying to setup WHMCS you will need to do the following:

(1) Create Master and Reseller products in WHMCS as "Shared Hosting" product types. WHMCS will then treat them as standard cPanel accounts. WHMreseller will handle everything else.
(2) In WHMreseller the root user (Host) will need to set "Tools > Settings > Default Reseller Owner" to "Root/Alpha/Master ownership" so Alpha & Master resellers will correctly own their accounts.

These 2 steps should enable Alpha and Master resellers to automate creation of standard reseller accounts via WHMCS, however functionality in WHMCS will be limited. We will be working on developing a future WHMCS module to improve integration, thanks for your patience. If you are still having issues you can test if ownership permissions are correct by logging into your Alpha/Master WHM control panel and looking at the standard WHM "Account Listing". If you don't see any of your Master or Standard resellers in the standard WHM account listing then ownerships are set incorrectly. If everything is set correctly you should see all your Master and Standard resellers listed.